This study analyzes the effect of the two Debt Financing policies: Monetary and Bond Issuing, on the Dynamics Development. Economic variables, like GDP growth, interest rate and Continue reading
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Finance Projects
Earnings Management in times of CEO turnover
This study researches to which extent companies use earnings management in times of CEO turnover, which is a continuing, complex and rather complicated Continue reading
Usability in Three Generations Business Support Systems – Assessing Perceived Usability in the Banking Industry
Background: The business support system has become a necessary tool for managing activities in any organization. Usability is a key area in realizing effectiveness and ensuring Continue reading
Reinsurance: Insurance to Insurers
Reinsurance is a means by which an insurance company can protect itself against the risk of losses with other insurance companies. Individuals and corporations obtain insurance policies to provide protection for various risks Continue reading
Who Matters?: External Stakeholder analysis in Projects
Stakeholder management is a topic that has received increased attention in later years. Researchers have tried to answer the question of which stakeholders that really matters to Continue reading
The Anatomy of Financial Crises and the Current One’s Effect on the Swedish Economy
The subprime crisis started in the United States, but was soon transmitted to other countries and even to Sweden. The impact of the financial crisis has had negative Continue reading
Signals from the financial crisis: A study based on the effects of dividends signaling during the financial crisis on the Swedish Stock Exchange
The purpose of our study was to analyze how dividend signaling effects the share price return on the Swedish Stock Exchange during the financial crisis and to see if the effects of dividend signals differ between Continue reading
Sales Improvement on Life Insurance Policies
Insurance sector is a booming sector and the penetration in India is quiet low. So, all the private players are trying to increase the market share in the public. This study also involves creating awareness among the urban and rural consumer about the Continue reading
Market Regulation and Supervision
Financial securities market regulation is subject to increasingly rapid reforms. Despite the political interest in different forms of reforms, economic analyses of the rationales for specific securities market regulation are primarily focused on specific issues such as Continue reading
Quality Online Banking Services
Globalization and deregulations have increased competition in the marketplace, as nowadays it has become much easier for companies to cross borders and compete internationally. The increased competition, on its behalf, has made organizations to Continue reading