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Sales Improvement on Life Insurance Policies

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Insurance sector is a booming sector and the penetration in India is quiet low. So, all the private players are trying to increase the market share in the public. This study also involves creating awareness among the urban and rural consumer about the insurance sector and also the various policies involving various premium rates.

Since the penetration of private companies and policies is low among the consumer, it is necessary to create awareness about life insurance policies and to know the satisfaction level among consumer. Hence the present studies entitled awareness about it among the consumer.

Objectives of the Study:

  • To create an awareness about insurance company and policies.
  • To identify the potential policy holders among end users and to create a relationship between the companies and potential customers.
  • To find out the customer satisfaction level among the go with their respecting insurance companies in which they hold the polices.
  • To find out the awareness of people about insurance policies.
  • To offer suggestions based on findings.

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