This project examines companies offering their services for free to Internet users, by employing digital free business models. As a framework Chris Anderson’s classifications of “free” business models are used. A sample of eleven companies that provide “free”services was selected and Continue reading
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Strategic Management Projects
How to be Successful in Sports Agent Business
What is a sports agent and what does a sports agent do? This is described in the study, through an explanation of Continue reading
Analyzing the Disruption Factors of Emerging Markets: A Case Study of Pakistani Telecom
A free and flexible business environment attracts international organisations to those markets that have big growth potential and high profit margins. To penetrate Continue reading
Rural Marketing Strategy by Pepsi
The only thing you can say with certainty about the Indian rural market right now is that it is the best trading ground for both Indian and multinational corporations. A burgeoning, untapped market estimated at nearly 150 million stretching across the length and breadth of the Continue reading
Innovation Crowdsourcing: Exploring the Use of an Innovation Intermediary
Background: With the Open Innovation paradigm come new hopes for innovating companies. The ability to tap a global network of experts can, at least in theory, have a significant impact on an organization’s competitive strength. Before such a Continue reading
Industrial buyer behavior: A study of the industrial buying behavior in Life Science organizations
A central part of the marketing process is to be aware of why a customer or buyer makes a purchase and without such an understanding, businesses find it hard to respond to the customer‟s needs and wants. A large part of the Continue reading