Oekom research’s assessment of companies according to criteria of environmental, social and cultural sustainability is challenged by scarce response by Continue reading
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Human Resources Projects
Earnings Management in times of CEO turnover
This study researches to which extent companies use earnings management in times of CEO turnover, which is a continuing, complex and rather complicated Continue reading
Open-Plan Offices: The Importance of the Ambient Conditions Characteristics for Employee Satisfaction
The ambient conditions such as air quality, noise, music, temperature, lighting and colour, in open-plan offices and their impact on employees are important for managements to recognize Continue reading
Continuous improvements in China: Experiences from Managers in Global Businesses
In today’s rapidly changing society company development and Continuous improvements are crucial to gain a competitive advantage on the global market. Through interviews this study investigated how two Continue reading
A Study on Effectiveness of Grievance Handling Mechanism
Grievance is any kind of dissatisfaction with regard to pay,promotion,suspension,working condition etc..The objective of the study is to find the effectiveness of grievance handling mechanism being Continue reading
How do big European Companies present themselves to attract the most talented people
Some people are born with talent and some people become talented in the process of different techniques and methods. What are the different ways to improve the talent in humans? This is the important Continue reading
Assessing the role of Work Motivation on Employee Performance
The main purpose of this study was to assess the role of work motivation on employee performance. This study in an assessment of this purpose used deductive approach in which a qualitative survey was carried out among students of Umeå Business School (USBE) who are assumed to be Continue reading
HR Practices at Infosys
The 9 Pillar Model (Leadership Development Program at Infosys):
1.360 Degree feedback (Mandatory)
2.Developmental Assignment Continue reading
Human Resource Management in Charitable Organizations
In recent years, the nonprofit sector has grown and charitable organizations have become more important. HRM has got a more significant role and it is no longer enough to build an organization on the perception that Continue reading
Human Resource Management: A comparative study of Carrier Refrigeration in Sweden and in Hungary
HRM is an important issue whether companies are successful or not in the global market. Many authors have different views on how important culture and local factors are and to what extent it should be taken into consideration when Continue reading