Globalization and deregulations have increased competition in the marketplace, as nowadays it has become much easier for companies to cross borders and compete internationally. The increased competition, on its behalf, has made organizations to constantly try increase their productivity and decrease their costs. One way for them to achieve that is by investing in information technology.
Using an already developed model for measuring the quality of online services, the authors have developed and later on modified a theoretical model (instrument) for measuring the quality of online banking services in particular. Using quantitative research method including the design and distribution of a questionnaire, empirical data was collected on which statistical analysis has been performed.
As a result of the conducted analysis, the initial theoretical model has been modified, so as the final version of the model (instrument) for measuring quality of online banking services includes four quality dimensions (Service Performance, Website Characteristics, Communication and Efficiency) with total of 17 items (questions).
Furthermore, based on the modified theoretical model, customer satisfaction with different aspects of the online banking services has been evaluated. Based on the results of the Analysis of Empirical Data, managerial recommendations are given. Suggestions for further research on quality of online banking services are also offered.
Author: Kenova, Vasya & Jonasson, Patrik
Source: Jönköping University