Reinsurance is a means by which an insurance company can protect itself against the risk of losses with other insurance companies. Individuals and corporations obtain insurance policies to provide protection for various risks Continue reading
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Who Matters?: External Stakeholder analysis in Projects
Stakeholder management is a topic that has received increased attention in later years. Researchers have tried to answer the question of which stakeholders that really matters to Continue reading
Continuous improvements in China: Experiences from Managers in Global Businesses
In today’s rapidly changing society company development and Continuous improvements are crucial to gain a competitive advantage on the global market. Through interviews this study investigated how two Continue reading
The Impact of CRM in Customer Relationships
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) are systems that in an efficient way help suppliers to support and keep a personal relationship to their customers. The purpose of this study was to Continue reading
Environmental Impact Assessment of Road Transportation: A Company Case
Activities, conducted in the logistics sector, contribute to pollute the world. Especially, road transportation contaminates the environment with the release of exhaust emissions. Transport volumes as well as Continue reading
A Study of how Repeat Customers can Affect Brand Image in the Fashion Industry
The fashion industry is one of the most exciting and fast-moving industries in the world and the companies within the fashion industry are driven by the reputation of their brand. Some celebrities and athletes use their names as a label so that the Continue reading
Attitudes towards mobile payment : An empirical study of the consumers’ perception of security, privacy and convenience
Mobile payment is a new payment method that is being introduced on the Swedish market, but has not yet come to its breakthrough. This study investigates the attitude Continue reading
The Anatomy of Financial Crises and the Current One’s Effect on the Swedish Economy
The subprime crisis started in the United States, but was soon transmitted to other countries and even to Sweden. The impact of the financial crisis has had negative Continue reading
Free on the Web!: The profitability of a radical price
This project examines companies offering their services for free to Internet users, by employing digital free business models. As a framework Chris Anderson’s classifications of “free” business models are used. A sample of eleven companies that provide “free”services was selected and Continue reading
How to be Successful in Sports Agent Business
What is a sports agent and what does a sports agent do? This is described in the study, through an explanation of Continue reading
Demand Management: Preferred Options from the Customer’s Point of View Regarding the Rural Hotel Industry
Introduction: If demand and capacity is not in line, dissatisfaction can occur among the customers. In these cases demand can be managed by demand management options in order for it to Continue reading