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The Anatomy of Financial Crises and the Current One’s Effect on the Swedish Economy

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The subprime crisis started in the United States, but was soon transmitted to other countries and even to Sweden. The impact of the financial crisis has had negative consequences for the Swedish real economy, especially in its output. Since Sweden is a big exporting country, its macro economy has been negatively affected by the present global financial crisis.

We are interesting to illustrate how the theories can explain the causes and effects of financial crises. Therefore, the aim of this study is simply to acquire knowledge on how the impacts on the Swedish economy can be described by theories on financial crises.

The theoretical models guided our choices of the financial and economic indicators. The thesis employed a quantitative research approach where the empirical materials are collected from the yearly data period: 2005 to 2009. The secondary analysis has been applied where yeas 2005 to 2009 were selected in order to get an overview of variables developments before financial crises started and in meantime.

Our findings showed that the financial crisis has affected the Swedish economy negatively. Furthermore, the repercussion on the Swedish economy can be better explained by certain parts of the theories combined, than by one theory left alone.
Source: Umeå University
Author: Binaku, Ifete | Holmström, Niklas

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